Saturday, February 5, 2011


How much does 15 cm of snow cost to remove? Forty point five million
if it falls on Winnipeg and that's just the governments share of the
cost. Throw in private snow removing companies and it is considerably
more. The city alone had 350 pieces of machinery working in an
orchastrated effort to get the citying moving again.

To me it was a winter wonderland, to many Winnipegers it was another
slap in the face by mother nature. The snow continued to fall and fall
until the world was white. The road was slippery white butter and
everything else was covered in white powder. The temperature was
delightfully warm for Winnipeg and the odd cheeky local was out in
shorts. Hills of snow turned into mountains as countless tractors
pushed it off parking lots and roads into mounds to later be collected
by trucks. It was warm and it was something I never experience in a

By the end of my six days in Winnipeg the weather had reverted to the
Siberia like conditions Winnipeg is famous for. My lazy ice skate down
the river on an ice path four kilometers long ended in misery. On this
particular Saturday with the sun on my face and the wind at my back I
marveled at the lack of people on such a beautiful day. I turned
around and met windchill head on. My face screamed in pain and my head
ached like a child that scoffed all the icecream. There was little I
could do but battle on as the wind tried to force me back.

My last morning in Winnipeg temperatures dipped to -41 with windchill.
Happily back in warm but rainy Vancouver


Tyson Brooks

Back in Vancouver
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